6 Month Anniversary!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Happy day to us! Is it just me, or have the days flown by for you too, Ben? It feels like just yesterday I was staring at you across the room telling my friend Brooke that I call dibs. :) Now my dibs have brought me some pretty amazing memories, and some even bigger blessings. Never could I have asked for a more handsome man, patient partner, GIFTED teacher, loving husband, and funny friend to ride through life with. You are so many things to me, and I can't wait for our little girls to meet you and see how lucky they are (we are). And I'm just going to give thanks to myself for calling dibs that one fine day as well. ;)

Happy half a year to our flourishing love and life together!

*side note - I love how you wait to get dressed on Sundays to match me. It makes me all giddy inside - you make us unstoppable! Booya!

Ok - sappy vent over. But truly, I love you.



Ps, If you'd like to watch the video of our first ultrasound where Ben and I found out we're having twins...and one of us sort of attacks the sonographer... then have at it. :) Editing this puppy together just brought back all the surprise of that moment and I couldn't help but laugh and laugh and LAUGH just a bit more about how crazy this whole life is. Just crazy. Twins! *Listen closely for Ben's chuckles. They make it.

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