6 months - holy wow

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The girls turned 6 months today...?! How the heck did that happen?  Ben and I have hit another milestone of twinhood that we've been looking forward to, this one being the BEST of all!

At 6 months our girls have changed from tiny humans to babies with personality! Arabell is quite the cheeser with her gummy smiles,  deep belly laughs and ever-moving eyebrows.  She's starting to roll and still loves touching and staring at Everlette at any chance she can get.  It's pretty darn perfect and makes all the hard times we've been through so worth it. Everlette is also developing into a little sweety. She is a bit softer- I don't know how else to describe it but it's like this.  She smiles with her glowing eyes, with a wide smile and if she's really into it she'll make this little sound under her tongue while chuckling.  Too sweet,  too perfect. She is so much better at tummy time now. She's almost caught up to her sister with how long she can last! But Arabell, holy moly that girl will probably walk before she crawls! Tree trunk legs. She's a sturdy little thang!

I love my babies and feel like I've been blessed to be their mama here on this Earth. I read somewhere recently that we have been challenged and blessed to take care of these little spirits for our Heavenly Father, and I couldn't agree more.  I hope Ben and I can teach them how great this life is -How full of adventure it will be! And most of all, I hope they feel more and more every day how much we love them. Love you baby girls. And Ben, you're my boo.  Thanks for steering us on this crazy ride!



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