happy 10 months babilians!

Friday, October 23, 2015

Some of you may have recently noticed that I'm obsessed with taking photos of my babies, but I have something to tell to one and all. It's about to get worse, because as these babies continue to get older, my need to party with them and remember EVERY ADORABLE THING THEY DO just enlarges! Sad thing is, I'm not even ashamed, I'm stinkin' proud! These girls know how to make a gloomy day probably 1,000,000 x's brighter with their fast dancing feet, sweet squinty smiles, jibber jabbers, burps, toots, clapping, it's all a sign that they want to party! And what an honor that they chose Ben and I to party with! Let's get crazy, babilians! Speaking of party - IT'S YO BIRTHDAY! Here are a few of our favorite things with Arabell and Everlette!

Arabell - For some reason this chick is soooooo afraid of strangers. Odd because she is SUPER adventurous and is a complete delight to people she has known or seen even once! She'll gobble up anything you give her, even your hair. It's nice. :) Toots for days. Loves saying "dadadada". Can army crawl over anything and FAST! She especially loves crawling over daddy! And not to forget, probably my favorite thing - throughout the day, when she gets bored, she find her hands, looks at them, and contorts her fingers into random little shapes and just freezes them there like that for a minute or two. Sometimes she'll start waving them after that. Weird, but soooo funny! I love her!

Everlette - My pet! This girl is ALL about trying to eat Magazines. She is no respecter of them, she'll eat them all! Sorry Ensign. Also, she has 2 TEETH! They are sharp and a little painful for her sometimes, but even when she is chewing on her fingers, she is still smiling. Seriously, what a blessing these girls are. "Dada- dad" also happens to be her favorite thing to say. Crawling is this girl's JAM! Perfect form and can go from crawling to sitting in a second! She does it about every 5 minutes I swear. So she really likes it. Her feet are always flying in the air when she's on her back, like somehow she doesn't get tired of moving. No wonder she has always been a lb. and a half lighter than Arabell. Crazy girl - I love her!

Both get bored around 5, and then shoot with excitement when daddy gets home! Praise him for all he does for us girls! He is so loving, sassy, and fun. My family of babilians - you party so hard! I'm loving you like xoxo. 

Ps, we just had our first professional family photos taken. Each shows a little side of our family and tells a story. So I'm in love. Thank you Samantha Van Noy Photography for capturing these moments/memories for us!

6 months - holy wow

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The girls turned 6 months today...?! How the heck did that happen?  Ben and I have hit another milestone of twinhood that we've been looking forward to, this one being the BEST of all!

At 6 months our girls have changed from tiny humans to babies with personality! Arabell is quite the cheeser with her gummy smiles,  deep belly laughs and ever-moving eyebrows.  She's starting to roll and still loves touching and staring at Everlette at any chance she can get.  It's pretty darn perfect and makes all the hard times we've been through so worth it. Everlette is also developing into a little sweety. She is a bit softer- I don't know how else to describe it but it's like this.  She smiles with her glowing eyes, with a wide smile and if she's really into it she'll make this little sound under her tongue while chuckling.  Too sweet,  too perfect. She is so much better at tummy time now. She's almost caught up to her sister with how long she can last! But Arabell, holy moly that girl will probably walk before she crawls! Tree trunk legs. She's a sturdy little thang!

I love my babies and feel like I've been blessed to be their mama here on this Earth. I read somewhere recently that we have been challenged and blessed to take care of these little spirits for our Heavenly Father, and I couldn't agree more.  I hope Ben and I can teach them how great this life is -How full of adventure it will be! And most of all, I hope they feel more and more every day how much we love them. Love you baby girls. And Ben, you're my boo.  Thanks for steering us on this crazy ride!



Let them be wwwittle

Monday, May 25, 2015

Dearest girlies,

I love your smeyes, your giggles, your little sounds
Arabell with your 'L's'
Everlette with your 'M's'
and your slobber that abounds

Your hand holding ways
I could watch for days
and when we bounce you on your feet
and I catch your soft gaze

Our favorite stage so far
is this today
smiles for miles and laughter
and forever we play

Daddy is your bestie
especially when he's Batman
please stay little forever
my wittle wittles, hand in hand

I love you Arabell Jane and Everlette Pearl. Happy 5 month Birthday!!!


PC- Ben Lindsey:

The Secret Life of BABES

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Hey all!

Britney here! It's been a while since either Ben or I have made it over to the blog. Slackers, you might say, but believe it or not life with twins is kind of crazy. There's been good, bad, messy, smelly, funny, and a whole lot of love floatin' around our abode lately, but I'll be honest - having babies is not what I imagined it would be.

Every one tells you, "prepare to never sleep again" or "enjoy your sleep now because you won't get it after babies". There's no way you can even comprehend what that means before it happens to you. It's almost like a joke. Then there's the constant spit ups (can be up to 15 times a day on a bad day for us per babe - comes with premie territory), the napless phases, and last but not least the HICCUPS! Ugg, it can be rough. But oh, how joyous it can be.

Ben and I are stronger than ever (at least to me... :)     ) because we have relied so much on each other to fill in the gaps and hold up the other when we're weak- and man have we had moments like that. However, after a spit up we'll get a huge smile out of the girls - both of them seem to be doing it and it's the funniest thing! It's like whatever frustration you felt leaves instantly and I can't help but laugh at how silly it is. Then there're the tutes. For some reason those tutes bring out the brightest smile in our babes and they'll even throw in a giggle at times. Who wouldn't kill for a moment like that with a sweet innocent babe who has no idea how embarrassed they'll be when that happens down the road.

Sometimes I wake up in the morning and leave the babes in bed since we have to bring them in quite often during the evening, and I'll come back to see daddy all cuddled up to them, hushing them with sweet kisses or saying to them how much he loves them. "You're so little, daddy loves you, you wouldn't even believe it." Melt!

All in all I'm amazed by how much this has made us each grow as people - this parenthood business. I hope I'm becoming more patient, but I know my heart is growing more every day through the bliss and the struggles. Motherhood is an amazing thing, a gift, and although I may sound like a cry baby to some, I feel like the luckiest mama in the world to have these adorable babies that Ben and I were blessed with.

I'd like to finish up by saying how grateful I am to my Father in Heaven for giving me a life I feel I don't deserve. My supportive and loving and so stinkin' HOT husband who lifts me every day is the greatest and first gift I'll cherish for eternity. Then my babies have brought so much joy and life into our home - it will never be the same and every day we enjoy the little things as they grow. It's all amazing and astonishing to see - something we made together becoming more human every day. Lastly, this Easter Sunday I feel so indebted to my Savior for giving his life for me and all the people in my life, and for this world. Without his perfect and selfless example, we would be nothing, and without God's forgiveness that we're granted through Christ's atonement, we would not enjoy new experiences or growth. Today I feel so much love for my Savior and to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints which has given me the strength and outlook to enjoy it all. Christ lives - in our hearts, and more importantly, in our homes.

Here are some pics we haven't had a chance to share but definitely NEED to! :

Baby Announcement sent to immediate fam:

Recent photo of Evie:

Our Easter Chicks:

Our first family photo taken by Ben himself on Feb. 14th:

Happy Easters, everyone!

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