Week 28 Update!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Hey there!

So technically, we hit Week 29 yesterday, but I haven't had a chance to put up this vid so I figure there's no better time then the present! Stay tuned for Week 29's update probably on Friday. :)

Week 28 was quite the week. Big steppin' into the 3rd trimester! My belly feels so tight and rooouuunnnndddd. But it's still so amazing- Last week Ben and I were watching 24 an BAM- I got a round house kick that felt like it might open my stomach from Baby B. Crazy & neato! 

Also, the girls are doing so well! Baby A is 2 pounds 8 ounces and Baby B is a whopping 2 pounds and 5 ounces. Baby B has been the life of the party in my stomach lately. Whenever she gives a kick she just decides to start the whole Kung Fu Fighting routine - which is totally cool with mama. Baby A is much more subtle and chills for the most part with kicks here and there. It will be fun to meet them in just a couple of months now and see how their personalities translate from inside the womb to being outside it. Pretty excited here!

For the full update, watch this video :



27 Week Update!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Being pregnant with twins is all I have known since these are my first, and frankly, I have loved it! Really, I haven't had much to complain about and when I feel the need to complain, it's usually about stupid things that pale in comparison to what I assumed this twin pregnancy would be like. You'll hear horror stories, but you'll also hear the good. So far, it's been an easy time full of awesome firsts! I'm feeling good ladies. I'm feeling really blessed. I know my days ahead include a whopping run of sleepless nights and endless feedings, but hey - who says I can't relish in this moment? Who says I can't even look forward to those moments. Heck - I do. Bring on the bad - bring on the good! I'm so excited for this thrill ride minus the safety bar. Take me there twins! Let's go!

And I won't make this gushy but Ben - what a champ- WHAT A CHAMP! He is always there to listen to me and to rub my back or feet if ever I'm in need. Also, he totally understands my random cravings of ice cream and Oreos and encourages me to indulge, which is pretty awesome. This man is not afraid to have a chubby wifey all hyped up on sugar and accepts me for who I am. Am I lucky? Yeah, I feel lucky.  Plus, it's so fun to see him steal my Snoogle at night sometimes. Apparently pregnancy pillows are beloved by men and women. Who would've ever thought? 

To watch the full update on week 27 - click here: 

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