The Proposal

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

As a precursor to our engagement story, I had told Ben that he probably shouldn't propose until February.

We had just got back to Ben's after a rockin' party for my friend Shellie around 11 pm. Ben asked if I'd like to accompany him on an evening walk. Mind you, this is not an uncommon thing we like to do together. Before I opened his door to walk inside, I asked if he'd like to go at that moment, he replied, "no, how about in an hour." Inside we went. A little guitar playing, jellybean munching, and a few giggles later Ben stood up and led us out his back door to the canyon area.

Obviously he was taking us on a walk to stargaze. Why else would we go out in the freezing cold up a hill towards the mountain, right? He kept checking his phone as if he were searching for something, so I asked him if he was downloading the official stargazing app. He replied that he had the one Google made and we left it at that. Next thing I know, we're walking back towards his house and into some thicket of trees that keeps trying to take the hood off my head.

And then poof, he vanished into thin air. Seconds pass, and then brilliant light surrounds us! Yowza, was that setting something to behold. It reminded me of Temple Square at Christmas time, but so, SO much better. We danced. He knelt. Maybe we smooched...and happiness forever ensued. He proposed just after midnight on February 1st.

Walking back into the house, I thought to myself how lucky Ben was to have the Google stargazing app, and how lucky I was to have Ben.
Moments after it all went down.
In "the spot" the next day
The ring.
From the side.
The Happy Couple.


  1. I would expect nothing less from Ben. Congrats on the engagement! Ben & I worked together at silhouette for quite awhile and I wanted to say congrats. Ben is an awesome guy and I wish you all the best in your marriage. Great job Ben!

  2. Ben - you romantic fellow! We always knew you would make one lucky girl very happy! We can't wait to meet her and see the two of you together! Thanks for sharing through the blog. - Matt and Chantel


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